Click on the “Give Today” button to make a secure donation.


Great Awakenings is funded by the donations of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are moved by the Holy Spirit. We encourage believers to support their local church with tithes and give to us out of their offerings to the Lord. Also, we are a nonprofit corporation and have an IRS approved 501c3 tax status. Therefore, when you send us a gift, we will return a tax-deductible receipt.

We strive to use biblical principles in fund raising and manage our funds with the highest degree of integrity. We are run by a board of directors that approves our annual budget and reviews financial reports.


Would you like to become a Partner For A Great Awakening, helping to reach rural communities for Christ in the U.S. and around the world?  You can learn how to become one of our partners through learning about the four ways you can support us: Donate by mail, donate by direct debit, donate online or donate through the Great Awakenings Foundation.


Write a check to Great Awakenings, Inc and send it to 107 S. 7th St., Clay Center, Kansas, 67432.


Would you like the convenience of having a monthly donation automatically deducted from your checking or savings account and transferred to Great Awakenings? If you would like the direct debit done through our local bank, request a Direct Debit form by contacting Great Awakenings through the website. If you would like to set up a direct debit through our online service, you can do that personally through giving online through this website.


You can give online using a credit or debit card or even set up your own direct debit transfer through a checking or savings account. Thank you for considering a gift today.

A note to credit card users: We know many Americans are under the strain of mounting credit card debt. We want to encourage you in paying down your debt, so please use your credit card wisely and only make a gift you can pay off at your next credit card bill.


The Foundation provides people a creative way for people to give beyond the traditional check, cash or even credit or debit card. Financial planning experts say that 90% of our nation’s wealth exists in non-cash assets. Being so, Great Awakenings has established a relationship with the Heartland National Christian Foundation to help people who would like to support the ministry with nontraditional donations. Here is an example of some ways you can support through non-cash assets:

  • Stocks, bonds and mutual funds
  • Real estate
  • Collectibles
  • Vehicles
  • Jewelry
  • Business interests: inventory or the sale of a business
  • Antiques
  • Estate gifts
  • Personal property
  • IRA rollovers
  • Great Awakenings can be a beneficiary in your will/trust, life insurance policy or 401K.

The Foundation can set up Charitable Gift Annuities, Remainder Trusts, Lead Trusts and Donor Advised Funds.

The Heartland Christian Foundation of Olathe, Kansas, manages the Great Awakenings Foundation. They are an affiliate with the National Christian Foundation began by Ron Blue, Terry Parker and the late Larry Burkett.

If you are interested in learning more about the how you can support Great Awakenings through the Foundation, contact us today through the website.