In a few days, Gabe Hedman and Clint Decker will be boarding their plane to Kenya. We want to share how you can pray for them, by giving you their schedule and offering some prayer requests.
Urgent prayer request
Before laying out their schedule, they have an immediate need of over $3,000 before they fly out. This is the remaining amount of their budget to cover expenses like food, travel and lodging while they are in Kenya, as well as providing the final amount needed for all the teaching and evangelistic outreaches. Please pray for God to raise up His people to give. If you would like to assist you can give a secure online gift here , or mail one to this address here.
Psalm 23:1 says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” And I add, “nor shall I worry.” As we seek Christ, we know that through Him He will provide for all our needs. Gabe and I are trusting in our Lord fully.
SCHEDULE (Receive regular updates on Great Awakenings or my personal Facebook page)
Thursday and Friday, June 13-14
They will be flying out from Kansas City International Airport on Thursday morning, and we will arrive in Nairobi, Kenya, at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Friday evening.
Saturday, June 15
In the morning, Gabe and Clint will be meeting with the pastors from area churches that are cooperating for the nightly open-air meetings. The rest of the day they will be unpacking and getting settled in for their time of ministry.
Sunday, June 16
Clint will be preaching at PEFA Manna Church, located on the campus of Manna Bible Institute.
Monday, June 17 – Friday, June 21
- Morning and afternoon teaching on the Office and Work of the Evangelist.
- Afternoon personal evangelism around the college’s neighborhood.
- Evening open-air meetings organized by area churches.
Saturday, June 22
Youth event in the morning.
Children’s outreach in the afternoon.
Sunday, June 23
Gabe will be preaching at PEFA Manna Church.
Clint will be preaching at the PEFA Rongai B Church.
Monday, June 24
They will be going with the Bishop of PEFA Kibera Church, and receiving a tour of the ministry they are doing in the Kenyan slum. Kibera is known as Africa’s largest slum, with tens of thousands that live in poverty, and under the most difficult conditions.
Tuesday, June 25
This will be a tourism day to learn more about the culture and history of Kenya.
Wednesday, June 26.
This will be packing day, as they prepare to leave and board their plane Wednesday evening to head home. They will touch down in Kansas on Thursday afternoon, June 27.
The driving force behind this work is Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Gabe and Clint are going in order to make disciples by teaching the Word of God to the church, to help build it up, and by preaching the gospel to the lost, that they might come into God’s Kingdom.
- Based on Ephesians 4 pray for MBI students, that they would be equipped for the work of ministry and built up in their faith.
- Pray they would grow in knowledge, skill and spiritual power in being for effective preachers of the gospel.
- Pray for the MBI team as they organize and do all the behind-the-scenes work for all this.
- Pray for classes being taught, for the personal evangelism outreaches, the daily open-air meetings, the times they will be preaching in churches and the youth and children outreaches.
- Pray for the salvation of souls at all the outreaches.
- Pray for Gabe and Clint in their teaching and preaching, that God would fill them with His Spirit and use His Word to do much good for His glory.
- Pray for strength and energy day by day.
- Pray for their daily times with God to be filled with His sweetness and mighty presence in the midst of busyness.
- Pray for good health: against injury or any type of sicknesses.
- Pray for safe travel: flights, driving places, and for God opportunities to minister to people along the way.
- Pray for understanding of the language and culture.
- Pray for good relationships to be built between them and the Kenyans.
- Pray for their families at home, that God keep them safe and under His care.
*Nairobi is 8 hours ahead of Central Standard Time. In the morning when it’s 8:00 a.m. in Kansas it will be 4:00 pm in Kenya.
*PEFA is the Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa