I have known Reverend Decker for many years through his service to his community, through his work in radio and through his ministry. My impression of him is that he is a man of deep faith and abiding integrity, and it has been a pleasure to get to know him.
I want to commend the ministry and work of Clint Decker to you. I believe Clint’s calling and experience in the area of evangelism will have a strong and positive impact on your community.
Clint is a person with great love for the Lord Jesus Christ and commitment to make the good news of Christ clearly and powerfully known. He has dedicated himself to tell one person, one city and one nation at a time that Jesus Christ comes to give life, life eternal.
It is my privilege to give my endorsement to a person in whom I believe has a very strong ability to communicate the gospel to individuals in need of Christ . . . Clint’s spirit of cooperation and camaraderie is refreshing . . . very few carry a burden for the lost of a community as fervently as Clint.
His integrity, passion for Christ, biblical preaching and heart for church-based evangelism are the right mix for effective local church revival services, camp meetings and outreach events.
He has a deep personal relationship with God as he is a man of prayer and fasting whose desire is to each day grow closer to his Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. I know that God’s hand is upon him as the Lord is using him to share the gospel with many people in this area. I also see how God has gifted him and given him a passion for evangelism.nts.