Latest News2016-11-10T00:21:23-05:00
1912, 2019

Celebrating God’s Work in 2019

This letter represents the close of celebrating 15 years of ministry at Great Awakenings. And this year has been the most laser focused we have been on our mission. God has called us to proclaim Christ in rural communities and we have never done that more than in 2019. During the summer we completed the long process of redoing our logo and slogan to better represent our rural mission. And we have a four-fold strategy which I share often. We carry out God’s calling through rural international, rural churches, rural newspapers and rural people engagement. Every gift you have given this year and prayer of intercession you have offered on our behalf, has gone to help carry the gospel in these ways . . . [CLICK ON PICTURE TO READ CLINT DECKER’S FULL LETTER]

110, 2019

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Help Equip Rural African Evangelists

“If demography is destiny, then Christianity’s future lies in Africa. By 2060, a plurality of Christians – more than four-in-ten – will call sub-Saharan Africa home, up from 26% in 2015” (Pew Research). Wow! Those numbers reflect a move of God in the continent of Africa that has come through the blood, sweat and tears of saints who were faithful to God’s call to go and preach the gospel.I am excited to share in more detail about my upcoming return trip to Kenya and how you can help. Friday, April 17, I will lift off the runway in Kansas and endure a long 24-hour trip to Nairobi. Then I will return again, 11 days later, on Tuesday, April 28. [Click on picture to read important update]

3107, 2019

Great Awakenings Summer Newsletter – July 2019

We have three pieces of breaking news to share right at the beginning of our summer newsletter. First, this newsletter is the rollout of our new logo and slogan. Since 2019 is our 15th year of ministry, we thought it would be a perfect time for a change. We wanted to better reflect our rural and gospel message focus. The second piece of breaking news is the confirmation of our 2019 international rural mission’s trip. I will be heading back to Africa. There is much more to read about in our summer newsletter. . . . . . .[CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO READ THE ENTIRE NEWSLETTER]

204, 2019

Great Awakenings Spring Newsletter – April 2019

“Come on. Let’s go!” Every Sunday morning, including every Easter, since I was three years old all six of our family were rushing out the door to church. In the early years, dad was driving with us, later on he was already there because he was the pastor. From those toddler years until I was 20, I had been to-and-through everything related to church . . . Read Clint Decker’s April column, Easter and the Danger of Religion. [Click on the picture for the full newsletter]

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